NG Kit Car
22.2 Documentation
Documentation for SVA (submitted to VOSA)
The VOSA test centre then issued a test appointment. Incidentally, if you have any questions, I found the test centre (in my case Yeading) to be very helpful.
NG also provided the following but in my case they were not requested for SVA:
Notification of chassis number
Confirmation of braided brake reservoir hose suitability
Certificate of seat belt anchorage strength
Assessment report on collapsible steering wheel boss
Documentation for Registration (submitted to local DVLA Office)
(* indicates documents returned)
The local DVLA Office required me to return with the vehicle for an inspection (OK to drive it without plates, etc. as it was pre-arranged).
Note that SVA and registration procedures should be checked with VOSA and DVLA as they may be subject to change.
Click one of these icons for sample details of the relevant document.